Monday, January 17, 2005

Hot Lottery Numbers & Cold Lottery Numbers

Hot lottery numbers have been drawn more often, cold lottery numbers have been drawn less often. That much is simple fact. But please don't try and tell me there is any science in the MADNESS of picking lottery numbers based on that information!

If you're tempted by the myth, here's why you shouldn't be - and even if you believe it, why you're still setting yourself up for an unexpected disappointment should you be lucky enough to win...

New Article: Hot Lottery Numbers & Cold Lottery Numbers

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Ask Your Lottery Question?

Now you can get your most burning lottery questions answered by the Lottery Guy.

You can ask whatever question you like so long as it's lottery related. Just don't ask what next weeks winning numbers are going to be..!

Link: Ask Your Lottery Question Here